As HR leaders, many of us have encountered the negative stereotypes surrounding Gen Z employees. According to a survey by ResumeBuilder and The Forage nearly a third of hiring managers admit to favouring older generations over Gen Z. Many business leaders find this cohort challenging, labelling them as lazy, job-hopping, overly focused on salary, impatient, and overly insistent on remote work.

But as Chief People Officers, it’s time we change the narrative and stop making or believing generalised assumptions about this demographic. Gen Z bring innovation, fresh perspectives, and inclusivity to the workplace, and there are many who are thriving in on-site based roles. They challenge outdated policies, adapt quickly to change, and are great at identifying ways to keep our organisations relevant. Far from a liability, Gen Z employees can be a driving force for positive transformation.

Creating a workplace that embraces Gen Z starts with leadership-led initiatives. This could include:

  • Workshops that foster understanding and collaboration across generations.
  • Mentoring programmes matching Gen Z employees with experienced team members to build mutual respect and ease cultural integration.
  • Intentional inclusion strategies to break down age-related biases and promote cross-generational learning.

At the CCPO, we’ve seen first-hand the value of welcoming Gen Z into the workforce and would love to partner with you to design strategies that attract and retain this dynamic generation. Let’s work together to unlock the potential of Gen Z in your organisation!

Feel free to reach out - we’re here to help. Email